Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ghana Bound

Well on our way to Ghana. I still haven't really haven’t been able to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m going around the world, or that my next stop will be in Africa. I just got back from a sea meeting about the Sea Olympics. A sea is pretty much a deck or a certain number of rooms, for instance the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, and I’m part of the Aegean Sea. I have 72 people in my sea. The sea Olympics is very much like Olympic day from elementary school. It’s going to be held on February 3rd when there is no class and every sea will compete in are around fifteen events like three legged race, trivia, dodge ball, basketball, crab soccer, and even synchronized swimming. I signed up for volleyball so hopefully I can make it past tryouts because there are a lot of in the sea and only two people can play in volleyball. Oh, the water filtration system wasn’t really working its best today, so all the water on the ship has a salty tinge to it. That means shower water, tap water, water they serve, and even the water machine in the garden lounge. It’s almost unbearable, but if you drink it fast, you can almost get it down without dry heaving. As far as classes go, there really hasn’t been too much work. I must say, I thought I was going to be swamped with work but so far, the academic side of this voyage is more or less lacking. I’ll probably end up eating those words later. I also heard that in while on a trip in Manaus, people got scratched by a monkey and had to end up getting rabies shots. I’ll be sure to let you know if I see someone foaming at the mouth. I saw some flying fish for the first time today, it was pretty cool. They jump maybe about a foot out of the water and then spread what looks liked wings and glide a few inches above the surface of the water for anywhere from 3 to 10 seconds. It’s actually really cool to see 4 or 5 of them do it all at once. I tried to get pictures and videos, but it’s kind of difficult. That was my entertainment for today between classes. Not much else is going around the ship. Plenty of rocking and rolling, which makes me tired. I'm losing an hour of sleep tonight too so I'm going to go to sleep.

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