Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Amazon

The title pretty much says it all. I woke up this morning and I was in the Amazon River. I remember learning about it back in elementary school, all the shit saying it was a mile wide and everything, but it’s entirely different when you’re in it. I can look to one side and see trees in detail, but when I look to other side, I can barely see the coast. The water is the same color as mud, completely opaque. I’m fortunate enough to be enjoying near 80 degree temperatures at 5:30 in the evening. Hope this weather lasts for awhile. The day after we left Dominica, the seas were extremely rough. It was pretty entertaining to see the parade of people walking out of my global studies class with their hand over their mouth or a nauseous look on their face. Plus watching them actually walk out was hilarious. We have a different speaker every time we have class. today’s speaker was, well bland. She talked about the economically stand point of the “global south” or third world countries. It was educational, but dry. The speaker before her was very active in helping young girls from Naipaul stay in school instead of being sold into slavery. He was a psychologist that wrote and published over eighty books so he knew a thing or two. His presentation was a lot better than the one today. Aside from all of that, there’s really nothing to do on the ship after class aside from work, eat, sleep, talk or watch one of 6 channels on tv. Only a few days until we get in Manaus, then off to Rio!

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